Wednesday, February 27, 2008

the un-dead poet's society

on every last tuesday of the month, wordforward would organize a poetry slam at velvet underground. it's an event where people go for reading (poem) or even take part in the slam. for participants of the slam, you would have to go through 3 rounds. it's rather confusing, from the website, it stated that the 3 poems have to be penned by oneself, but yet, the emcee actually mentioned only the first poem. hmm, consistency? before i mislead you, you do not have to be a poet to qualify for both the reading and the slam. all it takes is a passion for poetry (so that you'll even start writing), the expressionist attitude and a big heart to accept not only the cheers and applauses from the audience, but also the jeering.

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it's rather interesting that the poetry enthusiasts population seems to be growing! on top of holding the poetry slam monthly at velvet, there's also another session at the arts house on every last thursday of the month. so if you're one of the poetry enthusiasts, do go and check out the event, or even share your works! even if you're an aspiring director, dancer, etc, the organizers are open to showcasing your works!

important facts to note:
the tickets are going at $10 each,
time: 7.30 - 10pm
and of course, club rules apply.


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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

National Service

With Singapore successfully winning the bid to be the host of 2010 Youth Olympic, the Fad people were informed of a webite where Singaporeans could go and post a congratulations message for Singapore.

This is the site:

the Fad people have done our part too.. SEE!

Go to to post right away.
Over to you! :)

-the Fad girl

Monday, February 25, 2008

TheFadboy and his CG mates @ Holland V (Pics Galore!!)

Before I start, I would like to explain alittle about why this is in Buzz... Buzz was set up to capture the events side of Fad but due to lack of time, we have not been able to contribute frequently to Buzz.

But with a new focus towards people (especially our lovely frens!), there is a new life to Buzz!!

So, without further to do... A peek into theFadboy's saturday outing!

First stop was Essential Brew, a rather special place that requires you to take off your shoes and sit on the floor... That somehow had an effect on Bok...

She thinks she is hiding from the camera.. or she is trying very hard to pretend to be a mouse... while Zarah really just tries to ignore her..

But she is forgiven, holding our namecard and posing like this, maybe I should ask her to be our cover girl or something (after she removes her braces..) Haha...

And Lynette just decides to play along with me FINALLY appearing in a photo! Haha...

So it was just another outing for us guys, but nothing is ever normal when you have crazy people meeting up... Give us an overdoes of tea (yes, those are tea in the picture..) and we really up our crankiness!

We start feeding others and taking photos...

and we feed ourselves in the photos...

and we had a lively discussion about Conan, byebye and nyak nyak (that needed more than a PG rating.. I will be willing to share if you asked me about it... )

Oh, and Germaine joined us almost at the end..

Girls if you wanna come to this place, please do not wear a skirt.. and Guys, make sure your socks has no holes ( I am speaking from experience)!

Den we moved on to Cold Rock which has been featured so many times on the Tele, on newspapers and even on numerous blogs... I won't even say wat they sell (ice cream..) Haha....

Just look at the number of people who came into the shop and it was already quite late. I think it was about 10pm when i took this picture.. (Honestly, i didnt see the draw.. but at least now i have been to the place.. Haha)

Well, the swing seats did look cool and comfortable when Bok and Zarah was on it...

Somehow... I didnt bring out the same effect... Haha..

So, they mix like toppings (that ranges from m&ms, gummy bears to sneaker bars) with the ice cream on this cold rock (no guessing where the name came from) to prevent the ice cream from melting.. Quite cool until the guy said No Photos! But still Bok managed to help take a few more.. Haha...

And with people like Germaine and Gabriel (Germ's bf) acting all lovey dovey..

Bok and Zarah just could not be out beaten! Haha, by the way... Zijun's Bf is also called Gabriel and they both came quite late but U will see their pictures soon too! And there I irritating them by calling out Gabriel when i just wanted to see the reactions... Haha..

Also, check out the video of Bok and Zahrah when they thought they were on multishot mode when they were on video mode instead... Crazy girls!

Small ($5), Medium ($7) and Large ($9) but it still depends on wat you mix with the ice cream... Bok and Zarah has the weird idea of adding Tin Tam.. Haha...

And so we manage our last group shot in Cold Rock with Carinne finally getting herself on a picture before we moved on to Wala's (where i didnt get any good photos due to the lightings..)

If u wan to see more photos or just know who is tagged as who.. you can check out my facebook.

This nightout was brought to you courtesy of theFadboy and because it celebrated his Birthday!!!